-10% Out-of-Stock Classics Munchkin (Spanish) Edge Entertainment EESJMU01 €23.39 €25.99 Kill everythingthat move. Backstab your friends and steal their stuff. Grab the treasure and run. You don't want to admit it, but deep down... you love it. This game captures the essence of the dungeon experience... with none of that stupid roleplaying nonsense. You and your friends compete to kill monsters and grab magic items. And what magic items! Don... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Classics Munchkin Dragones Molones (Spanish) Edge Entertainment EESJMU83 €9.89 €10.99 There are dragons here! and Fairies... and Princesses... This expansion contains the expansions for Munchkin Dragons, Munchkin Dragons: Four More, Munchkin Dragons: Dragon's trike, Munchkin Fairy Dust, and Munchkin Princesses.Dragons are amazing and scary! But they also have as many fangs and claws as there are treasures you can loot, so prepare your... View
-10% In Stock Strategy Radlands (SPANISH) Maldito Games MALDITOGAMES-329082 €22.49 €24.99 In Radlands, a game from Daniel Piechnick, former Magic: The Gathering external developer, post-apocalyptic bands of punks fight to destroy the rival tribe's camps. You win if you Destroy all 3 of your opponent's Camps. The main resource of this game is Water. You will spend it to play both Characters and Events and to use the Abilities of the cards you... Add to cart
-10% Product in Pre-Order TABLETOP GAMES Tichu (Spanish) Maldito Games MALDITOGAMES-215 €13.50 €15.00 Tichu took much of its rules and mechanics from Zheng Fen. It is a partnership climbing card game, and the object of play is to rid yourself of your hand, preferably while scoring points in the process. The deck is a standard 52-card pack with four special cards added: dog, phoenix, dragon and Mah Jong (1). When it's your turn, you may either beat the... Add to cart