-5% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Codex: Genestealer Cults (SPANISH) Warhammer 40K GW-38-01 €45.13 €47.50 Genestealer Cults are fanatical sects of alien hybrids that infest Human worlds beyond count. They lurk unseen for generations, hiding and preparing in the dark until their Day of Ascension arrives. Then they rise in a tide of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiery, and predatory xenos monstrosities to tear down those they see as oppressors. Codex:... Add to cart
-5% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Codex: Tyranids (SPANISH) Warhammer 40K GW-51-01 €45.13 €47.50 This book is an essential guide for anyone who wants to collect Tyranids and unleash the power of the Hive Mind on the tabletop. Inside these pages, you’ll find all the rules you need to play a Tyranids army in games of Warhammer 40,000 – including Crusade and Combat Patrol rules – along with detailed accounts of their rapacious behaviour, divergent hive... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Barbgaunts Warhammer 40K GW-51-28 €28.00 €35.00 Barbgaunts are little more than living weapons, their bodies and biological cannons slaved to the will of a pulsating ganglio-parasite that piggybacks them into battle. Once there, they unleash volleys of chitinous barbs that detonate with the fury of violent muscle-spasms, transfixing nearby victims with a hail of jagged projectiles. This multipart... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Biovore Warhammer 40K GW-51-41 €32.80 €41.00 This multipart plastic kit builds a Biovore – a sentient Tyranid mortar – as well as three floating Spore Mines. The Biovore in this kit can alternatively be built as a Pyrovore, a fire-spewing Tyranid creature. Biovores are living artillery pieces, swollen with the clutch of explosive Spore Mines that they nurture within their bodies. Upon anchoring... Add to cart
-20% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Broodlord Warhammer 40K GW-51-23 €28.00 €35.00 When Tyranids invade, the Broodlord leads his followers into battle, often appearing from sewers or hidden vents to cause untold carnage amongst the enemy army. Incredibly dangerous as with all Tyranids, the Broodlord towers over many, presenting a bulky silhouette of muscle and claws. There is little that can stand in the way of this monster and his... View
-5% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Carnifex Brood Warhammer 40K GW-51-Carnifex €78.38 €82.50 This plastic kit contains 110 components with which to make 2 Carnifexes that can be assembled as Old One Eye’s Brood, a Thornback Brood, a Carnifex Brood or a Screamer-Killer Brood. Carnifexes are living engines of destruction – towering monsters of unyielding armoured chitin and knotted alien muscle. They are one of the toughest and deadliest of all a... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Deathleaper Warhammer 40K GW-51-30 €41.00 €51.25 This multipart plastic kit builds the Deathleaper, the evolutionary pinnacle of the Lictor bioform. This epic creature looms dramatically over its lesser cousins, perched atop the infested wreckage of a ruined facility. The Deathleaper is a rare and advanced development of the Lictor strain, perfectly evolved to act as a terror weapon. This apex Lictor... Add to cart
-5% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Gargoyle Brood Warhammer 40K GW-51-12 €35.15 €37.00 Gargoyles are often the first wave of a Tyranid swarm to be seen in battle. Thus a Tyranid attack is preceded by the beating of thousands of membranous wings as Gargoyle Broods descend upon the foe; blocking out the sun, and spitting death from their fleshborers and caustic venom from their fanged mouths. This box set contains 10 multi-part plastic... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Genestealer Warhammer 40K GW-51-06 €35.20 €44.00 This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Genestealers, fast and deadly melee killers for Tyranids and Genestealer Cults armies. Genestealers are peerless predators, swift vanguard organisms armoured in chitinous plates and possessed of terrifying strength and agility. Their broods move far ahead of the Tyranid hive fleets, to seek out fresh feeding grounds... Add to cart
-5% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Harpy Warhammer 40K GW-51-Harpia €68.88 €72.50 Harpies are monstrous bioforms that fly with a deftness and agility unattainable by even the most sophisticated fighter-craft. As they soar overhead, they rain clusters of living bombs onto prey worlds and spit death from their forelimbs. The Harpy can be armed with either a twin-linked stranglethorn cannon or twin-linked venom cannon. There is a unique... View
-5% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Haruspex/Exocrine Warhammer 40K GW-51-19 €64.13 €67.50 This plastic kit contains 47 components with which to make either a Haruspex or Exocrine. The Haruspex is a ferocious beast created to consume biomass at a sickening pace. It can devour an entire platoon of soldiers in a matter of moments, shovelling victim after victim into its jaws without pause. The Haruspex’s most obvious feature is its grasping... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Hive Guard/Tyrant Guard Warhammer 40K GW-51-07 €52.00 €65.00 This plastic kit contains 102 components with which to make either 3 Hive Guard or 3 Tyrant Guard. The Hive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. While the Tyrant Guard are the ultimate bodyguards, it is the entire purpose of their creation to protect their Hive Tyrant. The Hive Guard are created to guard... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Hormagaunts Warhammer 40K GW-51-17 €32.80 €41.00 This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Hormagaunts, as well as a Ripper Swarm to expand your skittering tide. These aggressive creatures each feature different poses – some leaping, some stalking, and some lunging, as befits their predatory speed and role as close-quarters killers. These poses can be combined with a variety of different head designs,... Add to cart
-20% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Lictor Warhammer 40K GW-51-29 €32.80 €41.00 This multipart plastic kit builds a Lictor, a fearsome Tyranid ambush predator. This cunning creature lunges from shadows and darts up sheer vertical surfaces to tear foes apart, striking with its distinctive mantis-like talons. The Lictor's feeder tendrils allow it to even digest a victim's memories, and the kit includes two different heads – one with... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Neurogaunts Warhammer 40K GW-51-33 €27.20 €34.00 Neurogaunts scuttle forward in seething masses, driven on by the parasitic neurocytes that cling to their backs. Their primary purpose is to protect the synaptic node-beasts coordinating invasion swarms, while projecting their command signals throughout the wider swarm. It is a task they go about with single-minded savagery, slashing, biting, and dying... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Neurolictor Warhammer 40K GW-51-32 €27.20 €34.00 This multipart plastic kit builds a Neurolictor, a stealthy Tyranid terror weapon. This eerie, eyeless creature's sinister silhouette and mantis-like claws make its Lictor heritage clear, but the Neurolictor sports a massively overdeveloped alien brain, a prehensile cranial stinger, and barbed feeder tendrils – all vital adaptations for its vile role as a... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Norn Emissary/Assimilator Warhammer 40K GW-51-31 €74.40 €93.00 This multi-part plastic kit makes a Norn Emissary, a psychic monster built to crush all resistance. Alternatively, this miniature can be assembled as a Norn Assimilator, a Tyranid monster with a haunting mind armed with toxic bone harpoons. This is an ideal model to be the visual centrepiece of your collection. The extensive alien detailing allows you to... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Parasite of Mortrex Warhammer 40K GW-51-27 €27.20 €34.00 Swooping on leathery wings, Parasites of Mortrex use their barbed ovipositors to drive Ripper gestation pods deep into their victims’ bodies. These swiftly-growing creatures soon chew themselves free from their unfortunate hosts. Such was the fate of the defenders of Imperial planet of Mortrex, the world first cursed by the Parasites’ onslaught. Now they... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Psychophage Warhammer 40K GW-51-75 €38.00 €47.50 This multipart plastic kit builds a Psychophage, a Tyranid monstrosity driven by frenzied psychic hunger. This vile creature's gaping, many-jawed maw is lined with razor teeth and barbed tentacles, allowing it to snatch, shred, and swallow its prey. Raised atop six scuttling, talon-tipped limbs, its bulbous body bulges with digestive sacs and orifices,... Add to cart
-5% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Toxicrene/Maleceptor Warhammer 40K GW-51-Toxicrene.Maleceptor €64.13 €67.50 This 55-piece plastic kit makes one Toxicrene with a crown of dorsal chimneys and twelve huge, lashing tentacles, or one Maleceptor, equipped with a pair of scything talons. The Maleceptor is a living vessel for the Hive Mind. Warp energy spears from its eyeless cranium to vaporise anything in its path, and those with minds strong enough to survive its... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Tyranid Warriors Warhammer 40K GW-51-18 €32.80 €41.00 Tyranid Warriors are the most adaptable of all the Hive Mind’s bioforms. They are efficient killing machines with the ability to employ a wide variety of bio-weapon symbiotes. On the battlefield they are found fighting in both close quarters and at long range, and form a vital link in the Tyranid swarm, acting as relays through which the Hive Tyrants... Add to cart
-20% Out-of-Stock Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Tyrannofex/Tervigon Warhammer 40K GW-51-09 €43.60 €54.50 This multi-part plastic boxed set contains 76 components and one Large Oval base with which to build one Tyranid Tyrannofex or one Tervigon, and is a suitably macabre addition to a Tyranid collection. The Tyrannofex has the armour and fortitude of a living battle fortress and its weaponry eclipses that of its foes' most powerful battle tanks in both... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Venomthropes Warhammer 40K GW-51-22 €50.00 €62.50 This kit builds three Venomthropes armed with toxic lashes, three Zoanthropes, or one Neurothrope and two Zoanthropes. Venomthropes drift forward amidst miasmal clouds of spores that spew from within their bodies. Their whip-like tentacles drip with a multitude of alien poisons. Indeed, so potent are these toxins that it is believed that a Venomthrope's... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Tyranids: Von Ryan's Leapers Warhammer 40K GW-51-37 €32.80 €41.00 This multipart plastic kit builds three Von Ryan’s Leapers, terrifying Tyranid ambush-beasts. These creatures spring from hiding to shred their unsuspecting prey using whip-fast slashes from two pairs of razor-sharp talons – including powerful mantis-like arms resembling the larger Lictor bioform. Then they feast, with a revolting combination of fangs,... Add to cart