-10% Out-of-Stock Italy Bolt Action - Autoblinda AB41 Warlord Games 402418002 €32.40 €36.00 The AB 41 (Autoblinda 41) was an armored car manufactured in Italy and used during World War II. It was armed with a 20 mm Breda M35 automatic cannon and an 8 mm Breda M38 coaxial machine gun inside a turret similar to that of the Fiat L6/40, along with another machine gun of the same caliber mounted on the rear of the body. The Autoblinda 40 and... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Italy Bolt Action - Bersaglieri Moto-Guzzi GT17 Motorbike With LMG B Warlord Games 403015823 €11.25 €12.50 Highly trained marksmen and superbly fit soldiers, the Bersaglieri (sharpshooter) were easily identified by their helmets, sporting large black capercaillie feathers. The Bersaglieri of WWII no longer travelled solely on foot as their Great War counterparts did, instead being equipped with trucks and motorcycles. Each of the twelve Bersaglieri regiments... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Italy Bolt Action - Carro Armato/Semovente Warlord Games 402018005 €27.00 €30.00 Produced by Fiat Ansaldo, the M13/40 was the main battle tank of the Italian army in World War II and served throughout the war following its introduction in 1940. Although designated as a medium tank it was more in line with the light tanks of other nations at the time. With armour up to 42mm thick, and armed with a 47mm main gun backed up by up to four... View
-10% New Out-of-Stock Italy Bolt Action - Italian Army & Blackshirts Starter Army Warlord Games 402015804 €112.50 €125.00 These highly detailed plastic and metal figures represent soldiers of several arms of the Italian military - the regular army (the Regio Esercito) as well as specialists like the Carabinieri, Granatieri, or the fascist Camicie Nere (the Blackshirts) with their trademark black fezzes and shirts. Helmets, sun helmets and caps further allow for temperate or... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Italy Bolt Action - Italian Bersaglieri Warlord Games 402015802 €40.05 €44.50 Highly trained marksmen and superbly fit soldiers, the Bersaglieri (sharpshooter) were easily identified by their helmets, sporting large black capercaillie feathers. As light infantry troops they were encouraged to have a greater level of independence and initiative than the regular Italian army troops and this élan served them well during the war.... View