-10% Product in Pre-Order Wargames Fields of Fire: Deluxe Edition Update Kit GMT0816UP €30.60 €34.00 For those who own the 1st or 2nd Edition of Fields of Fire and want to upgrade to Deluxe Edition components instead of owning the new Deluxe Edition, we're providing an Update Kit. This kit includes: 3" Game Box. Rulebook. Four mission books: Normandy, Naktong River, Heartbreak Ridge, Vietnam. Stand-Alone Mission & Example of Play. 2 Field Manuals... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock Wargames Halls of Hegra (SPANISH) MELMACGAMES-336131 €44.55 €49.50 Defend the Hegra Fortress from German attack! From an abandoned mountain fortress you command a group of Norwegian volunteers fighting numerically superior German forces in the early days of WW2. Halls of Hegra is a solitaire-only wargame in the same vein as "Robinson Crusoe", "This War of Mine" and "Dead of Winter". The mechanics are worker placement,... View
-10% Reserve Wargames Hearts and Minds - 1965 To 1975 (Tercera Edición) (SPANISH) MGS001ES €62.99 €69.99 PEDIDO BAJO DEMANDA. SOLO SE REALIZARÁ PREVIO PAGO. Vietnam, 1965. Estados Unidos despliega tropas de combate en Vietnam del Sur y se inician las operaciones Rolling Thunder, Steel Tiger y Market Time. Los aliados construyen puertos de gran calado en las bahías de Vung Po y Cam Ranh. Ho Chi Minh ha decidido llevar la guerra a Vietnam del Sur. Un jugador... Add to cart
-10% Reserve | We bring it to you Strategy Ironwood (Spanish) Maldito Games MALDITOGAMES-407343 €40.50 €45.00 Two factions have been locked in an eternal conflict over the land of Ironwood for centuries: the hard-working and unwavering Ironclads, settlers of the Iron Mountains; and the fierce Woodwalkers, swift and deadly shadows of the forests. As commander of the Ironclads, your goal is to build giant forges to flood the land with endless armies, and establish... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock Strategy Ironwood - Card Promo Pack (Spanish) Maldito Games MALDITOGAMES-407343-PR €2.70 €3.00 This promo pack contains 6 basic action cards with alternate, holographic artwork. You can substitute these cards for the 6 basic action cards from the Ironwood base game. The "Ironwood" game is required to play. Pre-order product, will be available when the manufacturer puts it on sale. Acquiring it in this way, you get your reservation in advance and... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Wargames Paths of Glory (Spanish) CPHGH09ES €45.00 €50.00 ¿Preparados para volver a las trincheras? Senderos de Gloria es un juego de estrategia que permite a dos jugadores simular la Primera Guerra Mundial de modo entretenido e históricamente fiel. Esta edición especial, que incluye un tablero a doble cara y reglas y cartas revisadas, es la más completa que se ha publicado hasta la fecha. La historia está en... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Wargames SCOPE Panzer (SPANISH) Scopepanzer €13.50 €15.00 SCOPE Panzer is a tank combat card game set in the European theater of WWII. One player leads a squad of American tanks, which faces a squad of German tanks commanded by the other player, in a battle of ambush tactics and close-range encounters. Autor: Juan A. Nácher. Idioma: Spanish Jugadores: 2... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Wargames SCOPE U-boot (SPANISH) Scopeuboot €13.50 €15.00 In SCOPE U-boot two players relive the tension of the Battle of the Atlantic. The German player will try to sink the merchant ships crossing the sector while performing a deadly dance of stealth and death with the escorts trying to sink his subs. The Battle of the Atlantic confrontedAdmiral Karl Dönitz's wolf packs against ocean-crossing convoys essential... View
-10% In Stock Wargames The Hunt (Spanish) SALTAPEPERS-376223 €26.96 €29.95 The Hunt is an asymmetrical duel in which one player assumes the leadership of the British Royal Navy, while the other represents the German Kriegsmarine. September 1939: The commander of the Admiral Graf Spee receives the order to sink as many British freight ships as possible in the South Atlantic. The objective is to intercept the ships crossing the... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock Wargames The Republic's Struggle (SPANISH) MQOE00B30 €53.99 €59.99 The Republic's Struggle is a thematic game with card engine for 2 players, set during the historical events that took place in Spain after the resignation to the throne of King Alfonso XIII, and the proclamation of the II Spanish Republic, in 1931. With the creation of the new regime, the struggle for power between the different social, political and... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Wargames Twilight Struggle (SPANISH) Devir BGTWILIGHT €49.50 €55.00 "Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are – but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle..."– John F. Kennedy In 1945, unlikely allies toppled Hitler's war machine, while humanity's most devastating weapons forced the Japanese Empire to its knees in a... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Strategy Undaunted: Battle of Britain (Spanish) UNDN-DOIT €41.40 €46.00 The RAF faces the Luftwaffe over the beaches, fields and cities of England in this two-player deck-building game of aerial WWII combat. Undaunted: Battle of Britain is a standalone game in the Undaunted series, adapting the core gameplay of the previous games to recreate the dynamic dogfighting of aerial combat. Maintain cohesion between your pilots,... View