-5% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Tyranids Warhammer 40,000 - Codex: Tyranids (SPANISH) Warhammer 40K GW-51-01 €45.13 €47.50 This book is an essential guide for anyone who wants to collect Tyranids and unleash the power of the Hive Mind on the tabletop. Inside these pages, you’ll find all the rules you need to play a Tyranids army in games of Warhammer 40,000 – including Crusade and Combat Patrol rules – along with detailed accounts of their rapacious behaviour, divergent hive... Add to cart
-20% In Stock Aeldari Warhammer 40,000 - Combat Patrol: Aeldari Warhammer 40K GW-73-462--46-31 €104.00 €130.00 This box contains 24 plastic miniatures that represent a complete Kygharil's Protectors force for use in Combat Patrol games of Warhammer 40,000. It's an ideal way to start an Aeldari army or easily add to an existing collection. Spiritseer Kygharil guides their small band of determined Aeldari through the Webway to defend their craftworld's hidden... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Combat Patrol: Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40K GW-73-381 €104.00 €130.00 Storm smaller battlefields with the fast-moving, hard-hitting speed demons of Combat Patrol: Genestealer Cults. A Jackal Alphus leads a squad of five Jackals mounted on roaring motorbikes and a heavily armed ATV, a swift Achilles Ridgerunner lobs rockets from an armoured chassis, while 10 Hybrid Metamorphs bulk out the numbers with valuable bodies for... Add to cart
-20% Last items in stock! Leagues of Votann Warhammer 40,000 - Combat Patrol: Leagues of Votann Warhammer 40K GW-69-15.GW-73-691 €104.00 €130.00 For those who want to uphold the honour of the Ancestors and claim precious acquisitions, this box is an ideal start to a Leagues of Votann collection – or the perfect way to reinforce an existing army. The Kin are a clone race of resilient and pragmatic warriors, who together form the ancient Leagues of Votann. Given wisdom and purpose by their ancient... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Orks Warhammer 40,000 - Combat Patrol: Orks Warhammer 40K GW-73-502 €104.00 €130.00 Kickstart the Waaagh! with Combat Patrol: Orks! This boxed set contains all the units you need to start your army or expand an existing collection. These miniatures provide an aggressive, hard-bitten core for any Orks army, and can also be used as a complete force in Combat Patrol games of Warhammer 40,000 – the Combat Patrol rules are available as a free... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. T'au Empire Warhammer 40,000 - Combat Patrol: T'au Empire Warhammer 40K GW-56-67.GW-73-561 €104.00 €130.00 Fight for the Greater Good with Combat Patrol: T'au Empire! This boxed set is loaded with a balanced force of versatile units, offering enough mobility and firepower to sweep the battlefield clear. This box is an excellent way to start your army or expand an existing collection. The T'au Empire employs advanced firepower and complex metastrategies in its... Add to cart
-15% Out-of-Stock Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Datasheet Cards: Genestealer Cults (SPANISH) Warhammer 40K GW-38-02 €22.10 €26.00 Genestealer Cults consist of mutated acolytes, turncoat soldiers, and predatory alien monsters. Corrupted by xenos gene-taint, the cults fight with the coordination of swarming insects and the zealotry of true believers. This set of 29 cards will help you track your Genestealer Cults in your games with individual datasheets for every unit – detailing... View
-15% In Stock Orks Warhammer 40,000 - Datasheet Cards: Orks (Spanish) Warhammer 40K GW-50-02 €22.10 €26.00 This set of 55 cards will help you keep track of your Ork mobs in your games, with individual datasheets for every unit – detailing their profiles, wargear, options, and special abilities. You'll also find a reference card for the Orks army rule and special datasheet cards for use in Combat Patrol games. Orks go to war with a huge variety of weapons and... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Drukhari Warhammer 40,000 - Drukhari - Kabalite Warriors Warhammer 40K GW-45-07 €28.00 €35.00 Warriors of the Kabals form the beating heart of each Drukhari strike force. They are the cruellest and most rapacious of their caste, hungry for power and thirsty for the suffering of others. Kabalite Warriors are merciless fighters of murderous intent, who are led to battle by Sybarites, masters in the craft of war. This box set contains 10 multi-part... Add to cart
-20% In Stock Drukhari Warhammer 40,000 - Drukhari: Combat Patrol Warhammer 40K GW-45-43.GW-73-451 €104.00 €130.00 The Drukhari are a decadent race of alien tormentors and raiders. Once part of a galaxy-spanning empire, the Drukhari now indulge in every macabre passion their supreme intelligence can conceive. They consider themselves superior to the galaxy’s other races and are afflicted by a gnawing sickness of the soul which only the suffering of others can fill.... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Drukhari Warhammer 40,000 - Drukhari: Scourges Warhammer 40K GW-45-16 €25.20 €31.50 A rich and daring Drukhari may surrender himself to the Haemonculi, requesting that his bones be hollowed out, that bands of new muscle be grafted onto his torso, and powerful wings and adrenaline dispensers be attached to his shoulders so that he is capable of true flight. The Kabal overlords pay handsomely for these veteran warriors to fight for them... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Drukhari Warhammer 40,000 - Drukhari: Talos Pain Engine Warhammer 40K GW-45-11 €41.00 €51.25 With this kit you can build either a Talos Pain Engine or a Cronos Parasite Engine, a macabre addition to any Drukhari army. Only the sickest minds could have created the bewildering Talos Pain Engine. Considered the pinnacle of the Haemonculi's art, these creations of mad genius are part organic, part mechanical, festooned with surgical apparatus and... Add to cart
-20% Out-of-Stock Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Genestealer Cults: Abominant Warhammer 40K GW-51-59 €20.00 €25.00 A champion amongst the mutant aberrants of the cult, the Abominant is a misshapen wrecking ball of muscle and chitin that wields a heavy bludgeoning instrument as if it weighs no more than a switch of willow. Only when the roaring, demented brute crushes all before it in a spasmodic frenzy, crying out in a mixture of anger, pain and self-loathing, does... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Genestealer Cults: Achilles Ridgerunner Warhammer 40K GW-51-61 €38.00 €47.50 Achilles Ridgerunners are fast-moving buggies capable of carrying a significant amount of ordnance. They can also operate as a vital support vehicle for units of Atalan Jackals, giving that unit even more manoeuvrability. Equipped with two heavy stubbers, it can also take either a heavy mining laser, a heavy mortar or a missile launcher, providing any... Add to cart
-5% Out-of-Stock Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Genestealer Cults: Acolyte Iconward Warhammer 40K GW-AcolyteIconward €23.75 €25.00 Hoisting the sacred banner of his cult above the frenzied anarchy of their insurgency, the Acolyte Iconward is a focus both religious and military. Some Iconwards have spent centuries preparing for their incursion, and releasing this anticipation brings an infectious rush that inspires brood brothers to war. The sight of his standard sends the broodkin... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Genestealer Cults: Atalan Jackals Warhammer 40K GW-51-62 €41.00 €51.25 Atalan Jackals are fourth generation Neophytes who form the outriders of their gene-sect. They roam the corners of the host planet in search of new regions for their cult to infest. Atalan Jackals provide fast-moving firepower and rapid assault support for your Genestealer Cults army. Capable of traversing the battlefield with incredible speed, they're... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Genestealer Cults: Benefictus Warhammer 40K GW-51-70 €22.40 €28.00 This multipart plastic kit builds one Benefictus miniature, a powerful psyker and leader for Genestealer Cults armies in games of Warhammer 40,000. Blast apart your foes with the focused power of the Hive Mind, and inspire your fellow cultists to even greater acts. A Benefictus uses the swollen mass of their brain to focus the will of the Broodmind. They... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Genestealer Cults: Biophagus Warhammer 40K GW-51-44 €20.00 €25.00 A master of gene-manipulation and bio-alchemy, the Biophagus is responsible for industrialising the process of indoctrination and infection. They concoct devious new contaminants that infect their victims with xenos genetics, morphing their body and mind, and rendering them susceptible to the sinister influence of the cult. A Patriarch may grant the... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Genestealer Cults Warhammer 40,000 - Genestealer Cults: Goliath Truck/Rockgrinder Warhammer 40K GW-51-53 €43.60 €54.50 This multi-part plastic kit contains the components necessary to assemble a Goliath Truck, transport and offensive vehicle, or a Goliath Rockgrinder, armoured weapon platform of the Genestealer Cults. This set of 29 cards will help you track your Genestealer Cults in your games with individual datasheets for every unit – detailing their profiles, wargear,... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Leagues of Votann Warhammer 40,000 - Leagues of Votann: Brôkhyr Iron-master Warhammer 40K GW-69-12 €35.20 €44.00 Brôkhyrs are the engineers and artisans of the Leagues, and Iron-masters are the most accomplished of their kind. In battle, they take on the duty of maintaining damaged Kin war engines, often aided by Ironkin and COG repair crews. These veteran Brôkhyrs also bring their most powerful creations to war, taking satisfaction in unleashing them upon the foe... Add to cart
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Leagues of Votann Warhammer 40,000 - Leagues of Votann: Brôkhyr Thunderkyn Warhammer 40K GW-69-08 €38.00 €47.50 This multipart plastic kit builds three Brôkhyr Thunderkyn, combat engineers wielding powerful ranged weapons. These Kin are encased in hefty exo-frames that help support their heavy armaments, and wear advanced omni-visors for scanning the battlefield Brôkhyr are the artisans of the Kin, makers of technological marvels – when one of these seasoned... Add to cart
-15% Out-of-Stock Leagues of Votann Warhammer 40,000 - Leagues of Votann: Defenders of the Ancestors Warhammer 40K GW-69-19-B4C €153.00 €180.00 Harness the wisdom of the Votann and the steely judgement of the Leagues with the versatile forces in this boxed set. Few races in the galaxy are as redoubtable, courageous or determined as the Kin who make up the Leagues of Votann. Nor are many as ruthless when it comes to the risk-and-reward calculus of war. To face them in battle is to stand before an... View
-20% Reserve on request. Estimated time of two weeks for delivery. Leagues of Votann Warhammer 40,000 - Leagues of Votann: Einhyr Hearthguard Warhammer 40K GW-69-04 €41.00 €51.25 This multipart plastic kit builds five Einhyr Hearthguard, elite Kin equipped with the finest armour and weapons available. Their bulky, rune-etched exo-armour allows them to withstand concentrated enemy fire, and incorporates a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher. Clad in formidable exo-armour and equipped with a fearsome array of weaponry, Einhyr... Add to cart
-20% In Stock Leagues of Votann Warhammer 40,000 - Leagues of Votann: Hearthkyn Warriors Warhammer 40K GW-69-10 €38.00 €47.50 Well-armoured, well-trained, and equipped with an array of powerful weaponry, Hearthkyn Warriors form the backbone of most Oathbands. Led by their Theyns, these hardy fighters lay down hails of firepower, shrugging off the enemy's return volleys before storming in to shatter their wavering foes for good. This multipart plastic kit builds 10 Hearthkyn... Add to cart