-10% In Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Attachments 1 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI72 €26.55 €29.50 The Night’s Watch will gladly take in anyone and everyone in order to bolster their ranks. They are evil-vigilant protectors of the Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the terrors that lie farther north. Battles against these horrors quickly weed out anyone who is unfit for the Black. All that remains are the grizzled veterans. These knowledgeable warriors... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Night's Watch A Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Heroes 3 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI123 €35.55 €39.50 The Brotherhood of the Night’s Watch defends Westeros from the horrors that lay beyond The Wall. Despite being made up of criminals, runaways, lesser sons of nobles, and anyone that Yoren, the Wandering Crow, can recruit, they are no rag-tag group. Commanders like Cotter Pyke and Ser Denys Mallister keep recruits in line. New members like Satin take... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Night's Watch A Song of Ice & Fire: Night's Watch Heroes Box 1 (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI39 €35.55 €39.50 Taken from the dregs and leftovers of society, there are those that rise through the ranks and achieve places of power on the Wall. The Night’s Watch Heroes I box gives Night’s Watch Commanders all manner of new options when creating their forces. With an array of Unit Attachments, a Non-Combat Unit, and options for new Commanders, the box can really... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Pit Fighters Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI152 €34.19 €37.99 Gladiator fights have long been one of the most popular and dangerous forms of entertainment. Carried out most of the time by slaves, they can be fights of man against man, of man against beast, of two small groups that face each other or great combats of all against all. Because of this, a ring fighter must be prepared for anything despite his lack of... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Queen's Men (English) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI87 €35.55 €39.50 The Queen’s Men aren’t named necessarily for their dedication to Queen Selyse. Instead, it refers to their conversion to the R’hllor faith. And while many might be concerned that their true loyalties lie with the Red Priestess, for the time being, they are just as willing to head to battle in service of Stannis Baratheon. In time, their true nature might... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Sand Skirmishers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI133 €31.05 €34.50 House Martell’s Sand Skirmishers turn their doctrine of high mobility into a deadly dance of blade and bow. Their light armor allows them superior speed, rivaling that of the fastest enemy units, and their training allows for deadly hit-and-fade attacks, all under a rain of incoming arrows. If locked down in a protracted melee, Skirmishers can hold their... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Crannogman Trackers Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI17 €35.55 €39.50 In combat, hitting the enemy without them being able to hit you back is a very powerful ability. In the battles of Westeros, warriors armed with bows can whittle down even heavilyarmed foes, bringing victory to one side. In that role, Crannogman Trackers are the unit of choice for Free Folk Commanders. They are lightly armed and armored, but that allows... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Heroes 1 Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI19 €35.55 €39.50 The Starks are known to be dependable, resilient, and above all, loyal. This goes double for their leaders. These warriors from House Stark lead the armies of the North in the War of the Five Kings. Each one under the Direwolf banner is an expert in some part of military engagement. Rodrik Cassel and Howland Reed can lead individual units on specialized... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Heroes 2 Expansion (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI10 €35.55 €39.50 House Stark is known for its honor and integrity. As such, many have become allies of the great House that might be shunned or turned away, otherwise. In a world such as Westeros, it’s good to have friends. You never know what kind of skills they might be able to bring to the battlefield. The Stark Heroes II box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Heroes 3 Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI115 €35.55 €39.50 The Heroes Stark 3 box for the A Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game includes new characters and expands the options for House Stark to avenge what happened in King's Landing to Eddard Stark. House Stark is the only important House that dwells in the far north of Westeros. The hardy inhabitants of Winterfell are always ready for anything, as they form a... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Stark Sworn Swords Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI11 €26.55 €29.50 Some units can be judged on their military skills or strength, but in war, when another army is advancing, loyalty is a much more valuable asset. The Sworn Swords are the bedrock of the strategies of the Stark commanders. They are brave and capable to be sure, but their loyalty to the Direwolf banner can never be questioned. To a man, they would rather... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Neutral Heroes A Song of Ice & Fire: Stone Crows Cool Mini or Not EECMSI158 €34.19 €37.99 Except for their unexpected loyalty, Tyrion Lannister's Stone Crows would remain a band of robbers like any other mountain clan. In fact, although his commitment is based more on Tyrion's money than on his person, they have proven to keep his word even when betrayal could have been a more lucrative option. As mercenaries, these warriors are profitable... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Stony Shore Pillagers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI160 €34.19 €37.99 Along the Stony Coast, the Kraken's banner is an ominous omen wherever it is seen, mostly due to the plunderers who prowl the villages and settlements throughout the land. These men move quickly, plundering anything that is not firmly fixed to the ground and killing or crushing anyone who gets in their way. Furthermore, they are very difficult to take... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Neutral Heroes A Song of Ice & Fire: Stormcrow Dervishes (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI82 €35.55 €39.50 The Stormcrow mercenary company is well known throughout all of Westeros for their love of money. When hiring them to fight their battles, the different Houses know how to get the best out of them... simply offer them more coin. The Dervishes are one of the most prized items on the mercenary’s “menu,” being their most veteran skirmishers, ready to fight... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Neutral Heroes A Song of Ice & Fire: Stormcrow Mercenaries (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI56 €35.55 €39.50 Stormcrow Mercenaries are not the loyalest of troops, but they get the job done! Average all around, what makes them special is their adaptiveness to fit into any army. Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Sunspear Dervishes (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI134 €31.05 €34.50 Sunspear Dervishes raise House Martell’s doctrine of high mobility to a fine art. Their training allows them to rapidly engage, strike hard, and just as rapidly disengage to either prep for another run or choose a more opportune target. Enemies so besieged are often so rattled by the spinning, whirling dance of blades that their own response is badly... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Sunspear Royal Guard (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI135 €35.55 €39.50 House Martell’s famous Sunspear Royal Guards are few in number but count among the best-trained units across all of Westeros. Their adaptive style lends itself well to both offensive and defensive initiatives, and while their armor is heavier than most Martell units, their physical conditioning allows them to keep pace. As a hard center to a Martell... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Adventure Cyberpunk 2077: Families and Outcasts (Spanish) Cool Mini or Not CPG002ES €44.55 €49.50 The Families and Outcasts expansion adds the 7th district, the Badlands, to the board — a new region for exploration during the game. It also brings 1 brand-new story and 2 more gangs to the game, the Aldecaldos and the Wraiths, also increasing the game's maximum player count to 5! The Badlands district board is a 4-fold game board that is attached to the... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Adventure Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City (Spanish) Cool Mini or Not CPG001ES €98.55 €109.50 In Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs of Night City - The Board Game, players take on the role of the leader of one of the city's many gangs. They will recruit members, claim territory, battle each other, and attempt to take on corporations in various card-controlled narrative scenarios. In the end, the player with the most reputation will win the game. A city that... Add to cart
-10% Reserve Adventure DCeased: Gotham City Outbreak (SPANISH) Cool Mini or Not DCS001 €44.99 €49.99 DCeased – A Zombicide Game: Gotham City Outbreak puts players in the role of the last uninfected Super Heroes fighting against Zombie Heroes and the zombie hordes, controlled by the game itself. The outbreak has created some rather unlikely allies, but extreme times call for extreme measures. Players must work together and use their special abilities to... Add to cart
-10% Reserve Wargames Dune: War for Arrakis (Spanish) Cool Mini or Not DUN001ES €125.99 €139.99 The main world of the Empire is Arrakis, also known as Dune for being a vast desert the size of a planet. This is where the spice is found, a substance necessary for interplanetary travel. Whoever controls Arrakis controls the spice. And whoever controls the spice controls the universe. Dune: War for Arrakis puts players in the role of the leaders of... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Home Marvel Zombies (Spanish) Cool Mini or Not CMMZB002ES €116.99 €129.99 When the first members of the Avengers joined the ranks of the undead, the problem the world was in became clear. Despite their condition, these Heroes retain all their mental faculties... if they can keep the mighty Hunger at bay. So gather your team of undead, whet your appetite and go change the face of the Earth. THIS IS NOT A WORLD OF MARVEL HEROES,... Add to cart
-10% Reserve Adventure Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game (SPANISH) Cool Mini or Not MGS001ES €98.99 €109.99 Metal Gear Solid: The Board Game brings the beloved video game franchise created by Hideo Kojima to your tabletop! Following the story of the first Metal Gear Solid video game, players take on the roles of Solid Snake, Meryl Silverburgh, Dr. Hal "Otacon" Emmerich, and Gray Fox the Cyborg Ninja and need to use their unique skill sets to avoid detection as... Add to cart
-10% Reserve Strategy Mordred (SPANISH) Cool Mini or Not MOR001ES €98.99 €109.99 After the merging of Britain and the Fae realm and the vanishing of King Arthur, various factions — both mortal and Fae — now fight for power. In Mordred, each player controls one of these asymmetrical factions and strives to earn the favor of the three great leaders: Mordred, Morgana, and Merlin. They must use the rounds available wisely as each action... Add to cart