-10% In Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Sentinels (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI67 €26.55 €29.50 For most armies, the armor worn by the Baratheon Sentinels would count them as heavy infantry. But for House Baratheon, they only are classified as medium infantry. Still, their resilient plate mail can turn away most attacks, while their warhammers make quick work of enemies out on the field. The Baratheon Sentinels Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Dreadfort Archers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI149 €34.19 €37.99 While there is no shortage of soldiers in House Bolton who prefer to stand face to face with their enemies, where they can inflict the terrible wounds to which they are so prone while also seeing the results of such carnage, an army without ranged support is a easy prey. Now, not to be outdone by their comrades, Dreadfort archers focus on maximizing both... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Dreadfort Spearmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI148 €34.19 €37.99 The main troops of House Bolton, who are their spearmen, are without exception instructed following the combat doctrine of that House, which seeks to cause fear and panic among the enemy ranks at all times. Due to this, although their armor is not thick and they do not have heavy weapons, they are still a fearsome unit on the battlefield. What's more,... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Heroes 1 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI147 €35.99 €39.99 The cruelty and sadism displayed by House Bolton are not reserved for their enemies alone, for the leaders of their troops can be as severe with their own subordinates as they are with the soldiers they capture. Walton Ironlegs, Skinner, and Alyn the Bitter each have their own way of beating each other down; while Ben Bones, Tybald and Damon Bailaparamí... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Starter Set (Spanish) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI146 €98.55 €109.50 House Bolton rules from Dreadfort, their ancient edifice in the north. Descendants of the First Men, they are known for their sigil of a flayed man, a practice that they often partake in. Aggressive to the core, they fought in a rebellion against House Stark many years ago. They have been likened to rabid dogs, lashing out against anyone that gets too... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Crownland Scouts (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI162 €35.99 €39.99 Knowledge is power, and having knowledge of enemy movements and formations can win a battle before it’s even begun. That’s why having reliable scouts is so important. For House Baratheon, they use the Crownland Scouts cavalry unit to perform this task. The Crownland Scouts unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Darkstar Retinue (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI153 €34.19 €37.99 Ser Gerold Dayne's personal guard has no formal name, but is simply known as "Darkstar's Retinue." The clothing and armor of its members imitate those of their lord and, furthermore, follow in his footsteps both in their form and in their fighting style. The best use that can be given to the retinue is to have it attack from the flanks and away from other... Add to cart
-10% Reserve House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Dothraki Outriders (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI84 €26.55 €29.50 The Dothraki Outriders are generally used as scouting forces, using their superior riding skills to spy on the enemy and ascertain the best way for the main army to attack. But once the battle has started, a whole new facet of the unit becomes apparent: they’re also master archers. Archers are generally slower units in an army. Obviously, that’s not the... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Dothraki Screamers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI59 €26.55 €29.50 The warrior ways of the Dothraki might make them appear as simple barbarian savages, screaming into the sky as they charge into battle. And many commanders have underestimated them because of those stereotypes. A Dothraki will spend more time on their horse than they will off of it, and with that experience comes skill that regular training will never... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Dothraki Veterans (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI60 €26.55 €29.50 A Dothraki is effectively born in the saddle. From the earliest age, they learn to ride, becoming the greatest horsemen in the land. After many battles, these horsemen have honed their skills to perfection. Their mastery of swordsmanship, archery, and riding is surpassed by none. In combat, they are a triple threat of strength, speed, and range. The... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Heroes 3 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI124 €35.55 €39.50 The Free Folk are a conglomerate group, consisting of many different northern tribes. Though they don’t all share the same ideologies or faiths, they do all have a shared goal: making a name and home for themselves in the southern parts of Westeros. Standing out from the average clansman are formidable adversaries, such as Borroq, a beast of a man who... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Savage Giants Expansion (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI46 €35.55 €39.50 There are many strange and mystical creatures in the lands of Westeros. The Giants are among them. These massive creatures are just like humans, only much, much, much bigger. Anyone who says that size doesn’t matter has never had to deal with a giant or two. As part of the Free Folk army, they are walking siege engines, battering entire enemy ranks with a... Add to cart
-10% In Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Trappers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI43 €26.55 €29.50 These units are part of the core of any Free Folk army. They are cunning warriors that use traps and ambush tactics to hinder their enemies, compensating for their lack of heavy weapons. Add to cart
-10% In Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Giant Spear Throwers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI156 €37.79 €41.99 As if facing a giant in hand-to-hand combat wasn't bad enough, the enemies of the Free People also have to deal with giants who stand in the rear hurling javelins the size of tree trunks; Weapons that may be crude by Southern standards, but it doesn't take much finesse to wield and throw wooden clubs as thick as a robust man's torso. The colossal giant... Add to cart
-10% Reserve House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Highgarden Pikemen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI140 €31.05 €34.50 Highgarden, the center of power for House Tyrell, is known as a place of chivalric values. In the conflict to secure the Iron Throne following Robert Baratheon’s death, House Baratheon has called for aid and House Tyrell has answered by sending their Highgarden Pikemen. These highly trained fighters create a mobile wall of death on the battlefield,... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: House Harlaw Reapers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI121 €31.05 €34.50 The sigil of House Harlaw is a silver scythe. The House Harlaw Reapers have taken that sigil and turned it into an actual weapon of war. Agricultural scythes make poor combat weapons, but the Reapers have adopted using long-handled axes with equally massive blades. These grisly instruments can mow down men in combat the way a regular scythe can mow down... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Iron Victory Crew (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI163 €34.19 €37.99 Any coastal settlement fears the day that the Kraken’s banners are seen over the water’s horizon. But when it’s found out that they’re specifically the Iron Victory’s banners, things go from bad to worse. The Iron Victory Crew unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Greyjoy players a new melee-centric unit for their... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Ironborn Bowmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI108 €26.55 €29.50 We do not sow. Arriving to the battle on their ships, ready to scour the mainland of Westeros, the Greyjoys have come. This faction revolves around hitting first and hitting hard, not letting the enemy have room to breathe and always forcing their opponents to make hard decisions. Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Ironborn Reavers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI120 €31.05 €34.50 All along the cost of Westeros, sailors know to fear the Ironborn Reavers. Sightings of their longships are met with fear and trepidation. The Reavers are coastal raiders, ready to make quick assaults wherever they please. Now, these pirates loyal to House Greyjoy are bringing their swift hit-and-run tactics inland during all the chaos caused by the war... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Guardsmen Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI21 €26.55 €29.50 Of all the Great Houses of Westeros, there is none more wealthy and ready for war than the Lannisters. Wars are fought with money, and the ability to arm troops with the finest steel and equip them with armor to keep them alive and hacking at the enemy goes a long way over the course of a battle. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Heroes 1 Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI29 €35.55 €39.50 Wars are fought with money, and in the War of the Five Kings, none of the Great Houses are more financially equipped than the Lannisters. They outfit their troops in the best armor and arm them with the finest steel. But troops still need leaders. Some show their strength on the battlefield, like the Hound, Tyrion, or Lord Tywin. For others, like Maester... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Martell Heroes 2 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI150 €35.99 €39.99 Plunged into the unbearable heat and rawness of the deserts and wastelands of the southern lands of Westeros, House Martell waits patiently like a crouching viper, watching and assessing the moves of the Game of Thrones until they find the optimal moment to strike. In this sense, Arianne and Quentyn Martell strive to fulfill the objectives of their House... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Martell Spearmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI145 €31.05 €34.50 House Martell is notorious for being clearly skewed towards one end of the scale that measures armor versus mobility. Because of this, House Martell's spearmen are quick to maneuver and have been trained to execute mutual support tactics, but at the cost of being equipped with unusually light armor for frontline troops. However, thanks to their spear... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Mormont She-Bears (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI89 €35.55 €39.50 Most of the soldiers marching to battle in Westeros’ wars are men. Many people feel that a woman’s place is back home, running things there. But for House Mormont, their She-Bears gladly head to war, taking up arms just like any other soldier. Drawing inspiration in armor and weaponry from legendary warrior Lady Alysane Mormont, they are a rough and... Add to cart