-10% Out-of-Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Flayed Men Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI53 €26.99 €29.99 House Bolton gets the award for most-armored unit on the field of battle. The Flayed Men cavalry are clad in heavy plate armor and their horses are equally armored in thick barding. Only the toughest and largest horses can withstand the great weight put upon them by all that steel. While they might not be the fastest cavalry unit, they are certainly the... View
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Heroes 1 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI147 €35.99 €39.99 The cruelty and sadism displayed by House Bolton are not reserved for their enemies alone, for the leaders of their troops can be as severe with their own subordinates as they are with the soldiers they capture. Walton Ironlegs, Skinner, and Alyn the Bitter each have their own way of beating each other down; while Ben Bones, Tybald and Damon Bailaparamí... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Starter Set (Spanish) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI146 €98.55 €109.50 House Bolton rules from Dreadfort, their ancient edifice in the north. Descendants of the First Men, they are known for their sigil of a flayed man, a practice that they often partake in. Aggressive to the core, they fought in a rebellion against House Stark many years ago. They have been likened to rabid dogs, lashing out against anyone that gets too... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Brazen Beasts (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI141 €31.49 €34.99 The Brazen Beasts are a lightly armored but mobile attack force for Targaryens. They are able to charge towards and cut down enemy aggressors that are targeting friendly units across the battlefield. The box also contains the Brazen Beast captain attachment, which gives House Targaryen players more variety in their army building for their existing... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Night's Watch A Song of Ice & Fire: Builder Crossbowmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI34 €26.55 €29.50 The Builders help maintain The Wall that guards the realms of men. But in times of conflict, especially with the Night’s Watch lack of manpower, they must come to battle! Equipped with Crossbows, and having the standard Night’s Watch training, they can deal a considerable amount of damage and control large areas of the battlefield with their range. View
-10% Out-of-Stock Night's Watch A Song of Ice & Fire: Builder Stone Throwers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI37 €26.55 €29.50 The Builders are one of the traditional institutions of the Night’s Watch. Due to the nature of their institution, these Brothers are adept at repairing buildings as well as constructing siege engines. The Builder Stonethrower is one of these contraptions, used to guard the Wall from Wildlings and other threats. This expensive piece of equipment is a... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Casterly Rock Honor Guards (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI119 €35.55 €39.50 The vast castle at Casterly Rock serves as both a symbol of Lannister supremacy and an unbreakable fortress, dominating the western lands in the Seven Kingdoms. As such, the renowned Sentinels of Casterly Rock are charged with defending the castle and rapidly responding to threats in the surrounding regions. As befitting Lannister troops, they’re kitted... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Champions of the Stag (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI81 €35.55 €39.50 House Baratheon’s philosophy of “heavy arms and heavier armor” extends even to its cavalry. The Champions of the Stag are some of the heaviest armored in all of Westeros. These mounted knights head to battle in full plate, their huge destrier horses kitted with full barding. Yet, they still remain rather maneuverable during battle. These knights can be... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: City Watch of Lannisport (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI116 €31.95 €35.50 As the seat of power for House Lannister, Lannisport is a sprawling seaside city full of merchants, artisans, and highborn and lowborn alike. Such an important port requires a large city watch, and, being House Lannister, the Lannisport City Watch is armed and armored just as well as many front-line troops in the War of the Five Kings. However, wearing... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Crannogmen Bog Devils (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI137 €31.05 €34.50 The Crannogmen Bog Devils Unit Box gives House Stark players a highly maneuverable unit for their armies. They are able to attack and swiftly retreat to avoid serious repercussions. The Crannogmen Bog Devils give House Stark players access to the new poison mechanic in the game. The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be... View
-10% In Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Crownland Scouts (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI162 €35.99 €39.99 Knowledge is power, and having knowledge of enemy movements and formations can win a battle before it’s even begun. That’s why having reliable scouts is so important. For House Baratheon, they use the Crownland Scouts cavalry unit to perform this task. The Crownland Scouts unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Darkstar Retinue (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI153 €34.19 €37.99 Ser Gerold Dayne's personal guard has no formal name, but is simply known as "Darkstar's Retinue." The clothing and armor of its members imitate those of their lord and, furthermore, follow in his footsteps both in their form and in their fighting style. The best use that can be given to the retinue is to have it attack from the flanks and away from other... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Dothraki Hrakkars (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI78 €31.95 €35.50 As formidable as the Direwolves of House Stark, the Hrakkars, white lions from across the sea, are dangerous when out in their natural habitat. It takes great skill to kill one, but the true test of a khal is to actually subdue, capture, and tame one of these majestic beasts. If this mighty task is accomplished, the Dothraki gain a new weapon in war that... View
-10% Reserve House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Dothraki Outriders (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI84 €26.55 €29.50 The Dothraki Outriders are generally used as scouting forces, using their superior riding skills to spy on the enemy and ascertain the best way for the main army to attack. But once the battle has started, a whole new facet of the unit becomes apparent: they’re also master archers. Archers are generally slower units in an army. Obviously, that’s not the... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Dothraki Screamers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI59 €26.55 €29.50 The warrior ways of the Dothraki might make them appear as simple barbarian savages, screaming into the sky as they charge into battle. And many commanders have underestimated them because of those stereotypes. A Dothraki will spend more time on their horse than they will off of it, and with that experience comes skill that regular training will never... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Dothraki Veterans (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI60 €26.55 €29.50 A Dothraki is effectively born in the saddle. From the earliest age, they learn to ride, becoming the greatest horsemen in the land. After many battles, these horsemen have honed their skills to perfection. Their mastery of swordsmanship, archery, and riding is surpassed by none. In combat, they are a triple threat of strength, speed, and range. The... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Drowned Men (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI113 €31.95 €35.50 Armored with only their faith and armed only with deadwood cudgels and other detritus from a storm-wracked shore, the Drowned Men make surprisingly effective support for followers of the Kraken banner. Their presence in battle signifies the Drowned God’s blessing, bolstering men to fight past their wounds and strike all the harder against their foes.... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Martell A Song of Ice & Fire: Dune Vipers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI142 €31.05 €34.50 In the vast deserts of Dorne, being alone is a recipe for death. It’s only via strength in numbers that people can survive. House Martell drills this into their Dune Vipers units, training them in ganging up against enemies. The Dune Vipers Unit Box gives House Martell players in the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game a crafty melee unit for... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Followers of Bone (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI47 €35.55 €39.50 The Followers of Bone unit box gives Free Folk commanders a scary new unit to fill their ranks. The horrific visages of these warriors can cause enemies to shrink back instead of surging forward, making them take a Panic Test before they can attack the Followers. Add to that the Champion of Bone Unit Attachment that grants restored Wounds to the unit... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Followers of Bone (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI47 €26.55 €29.50 The Followers of Bone unit box gives Free Folk commanders a scary new unit to fill their ranks. The horrific visages of these warriors can cause enemies to shrink back instead of surging forward, making them take a Panic Test before they can attack the Followers. Add to that the Champion of Bone Unit Attachment that grants restored Wounds to the unit... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Attachments 1 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI74 €26.55 €29.50 There are an unknown number of tribes that live north of the Wall. These tough and hardy people will often form up and head south, looking for more hospitable land to call their own. Unfortunately, there’s usually already people occupying that land. So, the Free Folk must be willing to fight for it. While mostly a motley crew, there are still tribal... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Card update pack (SPANISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI104 €17.55 €19.50 The cards included in this pack replace the published cards for the Free Folk Faction from the Pre-2021 A Song of Ice and Fire the miniatures game. Also included are the updated Secret Mission and Objective cards for the new game modes. View
-10% Out-of-Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Cave Dweller Savages Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI48 €35.55 €39.50 The Free Folk are often framed as simple savages by those that live further south. In many instances, that evaluation is wrong. While the Free Folk don’t harbor the trapping of much of civilization, they are not simply savages. The Cave Dwellers, though… they are simply savages. The Cave Dweller Savages unit box gives Free Folk Commanders a new option on... View
-10% In Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Free Folk Heroes 3 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI124 €35.55 €39.50 The Free Folk are a conglomerate group, consisting of many different northern tribes. Though they don’t all share the same ideologies or faiths, they do all have a shared goal: making a name and home for themselves in the southern parts of Westeros. Standing out from the average clansman are formidable adversaries, such as Borroq, a beast of a man who... Add to cart