• -10%
A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Mountain's Men...
A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Mountain's Men...
A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Mountain's Men Expansion (ENGLISH)
A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Mountain's Men Expansion (ENGLISH)

A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Mountain's Men Expansion (ENGLISH)

In Stock
€31.95 €35.50 -10%
Tax included Delivery within 7 to 15 days (Neoprene mats 20 more days)

The Mountain’s Men are drawn from the dregs of society. These men have no morals and it shows in how they fight on the battlefield. They give no quarter. They take no prisoners. Those that try and run must be fast, lest they get cut down from behind. Their ruthlessness is well known by the enemy, and that knowledge spreads through the ranks, sowing fear and discord. Nobody wants to be the ones to have to fight against them on the battlefield.

The Mountain’s Men unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Lannister Commanders a new unit to add to their ranks. Their reputation alone can deal damage to enemy forces. The power of their swings with their greatswords means that they can potentially do two hits with each attack. And any unit charged by them instantly becomes Panicked. Truly nothing that enemy commanders want to face.

This product is an expansion: A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game core set required to play.

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Peninsula and Balearic Islands: 1-7 days (Neoprene 15-20 days). Europe: 7-15 days. Others consult.

  Pick up by hand

You can pick up in our physical store (except neoprene mats made to order).



  • 12 miniatures
  • Cards
  • Movement Tray
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Dear customers,

Although they can continue to be requested on our website for future manufacturing, the stock of parts for the manufacture of 180x120 neoprene mats are out of stock. Therefore, we will not be able to resume its manufacture until we receive a new consignment in print. The estimated date is september, although delays may occur. Once received, we will be able to resume manufacturing with these measures, following a rigorous order date.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your confidence in Wargen Wargames.

All the best.