Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae (Spanish)
Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae (Spanish)
Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae (Spanish)
Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae (Spanish)

Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae (Spanish)

In Stock
Tax included Delivery within 7 to 15 days (Neoprene mats 20 more days)

Res Arcana: Lux et Tenebrae adds 4 new Places of Power, 12 artifacts, 4 mages, 4 monuments, and 2 magic items to Res Arcana. It also extends the game to five players, adds scaling rules for fewer players, and introduces two new things: scrolls and demons.

In a dark cathedral, a mage harnesses the power of demons to enhance her spells. In an alchemical laboratory, a diviner inscribes a scroll of destruction. Meanwhile, a bard and beastmaster seek out the prismatic dragon and golden lion to keep these forces of darkness at bay.

Age: +12 year.

Duration: 30-60 minutes.

Number of players: 2 - 5 players.

  Data Protection

Your data is safe, we comply with the GDPR

  Secure payment

We comply with European standards PSD2 and 3D Secure 2


Peninsula and Balearic Islands: 1-7 days (Neoprene 15-20 days). Europe: 7-15 days. Others consult.

  Pick up by hand

You can pick up in our physical store (except neoprene mats made to order).



  • 12 cartas de Artefacto
  • 4 cartas de Mago
  • 4 cartas de Monumento
  • 25 fichas de Esencia (de madera)
  • 2 Lugares de Poder (de doble cara)
  • 2 Objetos mágicos
  • 8 Pergaminos
  • 1 Reglamento
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Dear customers,

Although they can continue to be requested on our website for future manufacturing, the stock of parts for the manufacture of 180x120 neoprene mats are out of stock. Therefore, we will not be able to resume its manufacture until we receive a new consignment in print. The estimated date is september, although delays may occur. Once received, we will be able to resume manufacturing with these measures, following a rigorous order date.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your confidence in Wargen Wargames.

All the best.