• -20%
Star Wars: X-Wing TIE/sk Striker Expansion Pack...
Star Wars: X-Wing TIE/sk Striker Expansion Pack...
Star Wars: X-Wing TIE/sk Striker Expansion Pack (Spanish)
Star Wars: X-Wing TIE/sk Striker Expansion Pack (Spanish)

Star Wars: X-Wing TIE/sk Striker Expansion Pack (Spanish)

€18.80 €23.50 -20%
Tax included

With the TIE/sk Striker Expansion Pack, you have a new option for rounding out your Imperial squadrons. In addition to the fully assembled, pre-painted TIE/sk striker miniature, five pilots stand ready to swoop into battle and protect the Empire, while five upgrade cards give you the chance to further customize your squadrons.

Screaming through the atmosphere on nimble ailerons, the TIE/sk striker is a unique starfighter designed to excel at both air and space assaults. Its atmospheric capabilities give it unique and flexible movement patterns that can surprise even veteran opponents, as its heavy firepower lets it wear down nearly any foe.

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Peninsula and Balearic Islands: 1-7 days (Neoprene 15-20 days). Europe: 7-15 days. Others consult.

  Pick up by hand

You can pick up in our physical store (except neoprene mats made to order).



  • 1 Detailed plastic miniature.
  • Cards & tokens.
  • Maneuver dial.
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Dear customers,

Although they can continue to be requested on our website for future manufacturing, the stock of parts for the manufacture of 180x120 neoprene mats are out of stock. Therefore, we will not be able to resume its manufacture until we receive a new consignment in print. The estimated date is september, although delays may occur. Once received, we will be able to resume manufacturing with these measures, following a rigorous order date.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your confidence in Wargen Wargames.

All the best.