-10% Out-of-Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Heroes 2 (English) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI109 €31.95 €35.50 A Kraken’s many tentacles can seemingly act independently from one-another, but always for the greater good of the creature. So, too, do the various individuals within House Greyjoy. Though they sometimes are at odds with one-another, each one feels what they’re doing is best overall for the House. The Greyjoy Heroes 2 box set for the A Song of Ice and... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Heroes 2 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI109 €31.95 €35.50 A Kraken’s many tentacles can seemingly act independently from one-another, but always for the greater good of the creature. So, too, do the various individuals within House Greyjoy. Though they sometimes are at odds with one-another, each one feels what they’re doing is best overall for the House. The Greyjoy Heroes 2 box set for the A Song of Ice and... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Greyjoy Starter Set (SPANISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI06 €89.99 €99.99 House Greyjoy is the undisputed ruler of the Iron Isles. The archipelago off the cost of Westeros is full of dangerous currents that make them treacherous to untrained sailors. But those that sail under the Kraken banner are some of the most capable around. With the war for the Iron Throne distracting the Houses on the mainland, House Greyjoy has taken... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Free Folk A Song of Ice & Fire: Harma´s Vanguard Cool Mini or Not EECMSI157 €35.99 €39.99 Horses from north of the Wall are not seen often, which is why Harma Doghead's vanguard is extremely motivating for the Free People. Compared to their southern counterparts, these horsemen ride virtually unprotected and their weapons are crude, but they are not limited to serving as mere scouts, but are both scouts and spearheads of the armies of the Free... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Neutral Heroes A Song of Ice & Fire: Hedge Knights (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI83 €26.99 €29.99 There are many nobles in Westeros that don’t directly belong to any of the major or even minor Houses. They may have a title and some small wealth at their disposal, but they are basically landless, free to roam as they please. Setting them apart from your average vagabond is their ability to afford a suit of armor, a horse, and at least minor upkeep for... View
-10% Reserve House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Highgarden Pikemen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI140 €31.05 €34.50 Highgarden, the center of power for House Tyrell, is known as a place of chivalric values. In the conflict to secure the Iron Throne following Robert Baratheon’s death, House Baratheon has called for aid and House Tyrell has answered by sending their Highgarden Pikemen. These highly trained fighters create a mobile wall of death on the battlefield,... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: House Clegane Brigands (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI99 €26.55 €29.50 While most cavalry assaults are already the culmination of violence, Gregor Clegane's horse gangs of outlaws elevate the brutality of such assaults to levels that are virtually impossible to overcome, since it is not enough for them to simply disrupt enemy formations. from the flanks or the rear. To the type of man prone to being part of Clegane's troops,... View
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: House Harlaw Reapers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI121 €31.05 €34.50 The sigil of House Harlaw is a silver scythe. The House Harlaw Reapers have taken that sigil and turned it into an actual weapon of war. Agricultural scythes make poor combat weapons, but the Reapers have adopted using long-handled axes with equally massive blades. These grisly instruments can mow down men in combat the way a regular scythe can mow down... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Iron Victory Crew (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI163 €34.19 €37.99 Any coastal settlement fears the day that the Kraken’s banners are seen over the water’s horizon. But when it’s found out that they’re specifically the Iron Victory’s banners, things go from bad to worse. The Iron Victory Crew unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Greyjoy players a new melee-centric unit for their... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Ironborn Bowmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI108 €26.55 €29.50 We do not sow. Arriving to the battle on their ships, ready to scour the mainland of Westeros, the Greyjoys have come. This faction revolves around hitting first and hitting hard, not letting the enemy have room to breathe and always forcing their opponents to make hard decisions. Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Ironborn Reavers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI120 €31.05 €34.50 All along the cost of Westeros, sailors know to fear the Ironborn Reavers. Sightings of their longships are met with fear and trepidation. The Reavers are coastal raiders, ready to make quick assaults wherever they please. Now, these pirates loyal to House Greyjoy are bringing their swift hit-and-run tactics inland during all the chaos caused by the war... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Ironborn Trappers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI92 €31.95 €35.50 House Greyjoy isn’t entirely concerned with taking the Iron Throne during the latest war in Westeros. However, they’re certainly going to take the opportunity to utilize the chaos it causes to improve their station. Their history of pillaging and plundering has simply moved further inland from the coast. The Ironborn Trappers are key in this strategy. The... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Ironmakers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI91 €35.55 €39.50 Every House requires troops of all types in the wars that happen throughout Westeros. Allied with House Greyjoy, House Ironmaker’s heaviest are the ones that bear their name, the Ironmakers. They wear heavy scale armor over boiled leather, letting them turn most blows aside. Though not as heavily armored as some of House Baratheon or Lannister’s forces,... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Karstark Loyalists (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI118 €31.95 €35.50 House Stark has many loyal bannerman. One of the most faithful is House Karstark of Karhold. Originally founded as a small branch of the major House, whenever House Stark calls for aid, House Karstark is among the first to send troops. The most common Loyalist troops from the House are kitted out with flails and shields. But their main weapon is a... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Stark A Song of Ice & Fire: Karstark Spearmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI98 €35.55 €39.50 Few things are more terrifying for charging cavalry than a line of hardened spearmen with shields locked and spar leveled, particularly true for bulwark formations under the white sun banner. House Karstark's Spearmen can snap into a wall or square of glinting spear tips in seconds. As such, they're perfect cover for a battle line's vulnerable flanks or... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: King's Men (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI86 €35.55 €39.50 The faith that the King’s Men have in The Seven is only matched by their faith that Stannis Baratheon should be the next one to sit upon the Iron Throne. Through rigorous training with their greatswords and heavy armor, they are headed to the field of battle in service of the older Baratheon brother. Will their actions see him through to victory? The... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Attachments 1 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI71 €26.55 €29.50 House Lannister looks to maintain control of the Iron Throne and is willing to spend any cost in order to make it happen. Their coffers are open, and they are hiring the best soldiers in Westeros to lead their units. These combat veterans bring expertise, training, and cunning not found in the average man of the line. They can elevate an ordinary unit... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Card update pack (SPANISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI102 €17.55 €19.50 The cards included in this pack replace the published cards for the Lannister Faction from the Pre-2021 A Song of Ice and Fire the miniatures game. Also included are the updated Secret Mission and Objective cards for the new game modes. View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Crossbowmen Expansion (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI26EN €35.55 €39.50 When it comes to training soldiers, Crossbowmen require a lot less work than average. The real cost comes in the production of the crossbow, itself. Technological advances aren’t cheap, and keeping weapons in working order during war is no easy task. Still, a family with resources like the Lannisters can afford to keep this ranged killing machine armed... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Crossbowmen Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI26 €26.55 €29.50 When it comes to training soldiers, Crossbowmen require a lot less work than average. The real cost comes in the production of the crossbow, itself. Technological advances aren’t cheap, and keeping weapons in working order during war is no easy task. Still, a family with resources like the Lannisters can afford to keep this ranged killing machine armed... View
-10% In Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Guardsmen Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI21 €26.55 €29.50 Of all the Great Houses of Westeros, there is none more wealthy and ready for war than the Lannisters. Wars are fought with money, and the ability to arm troops with the finest steel and equip them with armor to keep them alive and hacking at the enemy goes a long way over the course of a battle. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Halberdiers Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI22 €26.55 €29.50 If the Lannisters are known for one thing, it’s their deep pockets. Their wealth lets them afford only the best when it comes to arming and armoring up their troops. Halberds tend to be a relatively cheap weapon to produce, but those made for Lannister troops are still of the highest quality, almost guaranteed to never break, even when receiving a charge... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Heroes 1 Expansion (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI29EN €35.55 €39.50 Wars are fought with money, and in the War of the Five Kings, none of the Great Houses are more financially equipped than the Lannisters. They outfit their troops in the best armor and arm them with the finest steel. But troops still need leaders. Some show their strength on the battlefield, like the Hound, Tyrion, or Lord Tywin. For others, like Maester... View
-10% In Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Lannister Heroes 1 Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI29 €35.55 €39.50 Wars are fought with money, and in the War of the Five Kings, none of the Great Houses are more financially equipped than the Lannisters. They outfit their troops in the best armor and arm them with the finest steel. But troops still need leaders. Some show their strength on the battlefield, like the Hound, Tyrion, or Lord Tywin. For others, like Maester... Add to cart