-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Heroes 3 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI130 €31.05 €34.50 House Baratheon's claim to the Iron Throne has been strengthened as King Stannis Baratheon is the only monarch to face the growing threat that lurks beyond the Wall. In addition, King Stannis proves to be a leader without equal when he is present on the battlefield, as he manages to keep his troops firm and united even when the odds continue to increase.... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Heroes 4 (English) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI131 €35.55 €39.50 Whether leading their own units or rallying around King Renly Baratheon in support of his claims, the heroes of the Rainbow Guard are some of the most skilled warriors to ever walk the battlefields of the War of the Five Kings. They include Ser Loras Tyrell, Ser Robar Royce, Lord Bryce Caron, Ser Emmon Cuy, Ser Guyard Morrigen, Brienne of Tarth, and Ser... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Heroes 4 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI131 €35.55 €39.50 Whether leading their own units or rallying around King Renly Baratheon in support of his claims, the heroes of the Rainbow Guard are some of the most skilled warriors to ever walk the battlefields of the War of the Five Kings. They include Ser Loras Tyrell, Ser Robar Royce, Lord Bryce Caron, Ser Emmon Cuy, Ser Guyard Morrigen, Brienne of Tarth, and Ser... View
-10% In Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Sentinels (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI67 €26.55 €29.50 For most armies, the armor worn by the Baratheon Sentinels would count them as heavy infantry. But for House Baratheon, they only are classified as medium infantry. Still, their resilient plate mail can turn away most attacks, while their warhammers make quick work of enemies out on the field. The Baratheon Sentinels Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Starter Set (SPANISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI04 €89.99 €99.99 King Robert Baratheon is dead. And while his (alleged) son Joffrey sits on the throne, there are other Baratheons who have also made claim to the kingdom. Both Renley and Stannis Baratheon have laid claim to the Iron Throne and they are willing to fight to take it. House Baratheon might be internally divided, but their troops are still just as strong as... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Baratheon Wardens (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI61 €26.55 €29.50 House Baratheon’s battle doctrine is fairly simple: be strong like iron. They outfit their troops in heavy armor at every level and arm them with the House’s signature warhammer. While this heavy kit does slow down troop movements, the tenacity of their defenses can usually see them through. The Baratheon Wardens are the main infantry unit that the House... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Greyjoy A Song of Ice & Fire: Blacktyde Chosen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI122 €35.55 €39.50 Shoreline defenders are used to random raids from the sea. Normally, these assaults are often haphazard attack by pirates. But when the Kraken Banner rises from beyond the horizon, they prepare for a different level of destruction altogether. These Blacktyde Chosen are well-trained and well-equipped with heavy armor and master-crafted axes. In battle,... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Neutral Heroes A Song of Ice & Fire: Bloody Mummer Skirmishers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI77 €26.55 €29.50 There are many mercenary companies in Westeros. Each one must find a way to stand out from the rest. The Bloody Mummers do this via garish outfits and makeup, along with wild antics. Butit would be only a fool that would think them as mere clowns on the battlefield. Their outfits are not the sign of a friendly disposition. In fact, it more acts as a... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Neutral Heroes A Song of Ice & Fire: Bloody Mummer Zorse Riders (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI58 €26.55 €29.50 To stand out among all the different mercenary companies in Westeros, one must get creative. For the Bloody Mummers, they have decided that every aspect of their look must be as flamboyant as possible. That doesn’t just mean bright clothing for themselves, but even to the animals that they ride in combat. Not content with the various horse breeds, they... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Bastard's Girls Expansion (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI52 €35.55 €39.50 Dogs have been used as part of the hunt for hundreds of years. Their keen sense of smell, swift running speed, and vicious bite have helped man put food on the table since their domestication. House Bolton, though, has trained dogs to not just hunt wild game, but men out on the field of battle. Accompanied by handlers, whose arrows help slow their prey,... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Blackguards Expansion (ENGLISH) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI54 €35.55 €39.50 House Bolton’s reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy two-handed flails make enemy shields all but useless. Their reputation alone can cause... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Blackguards Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI54 €35.55 €39.50 House Bolton’s reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy two-handed flails make enemy shields all but useless. Their reputation alone can cause... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Cutthroats Expansion (English) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI51 €31.95 €35.50 On a battlefield where the fighting is done up close and personal, a reputation for vicious brutality can be just as effective a weapon as any blade or bow. The Bolton Cutthroats have simple armor and only a spiked mace at hand, but they are coldly efficient at cutting down enemies with much more elaborate armaments. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Cutthroats Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI51 €35.55 €39.50 On a battlefield where the fighting is done up close and personal, a reputation for vicious brutality can be just as effective a weapon as any blade or bow. The Bolton Cutthroats have simple armor and only a spiked mace at hand, but they are coldly efficient at cutting down enemies with much more elaborate armaments. The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop... View
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Dreadfort Archers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI149 €34.19 €37.99 While there is no shortage of soldiers in House Bolton who prefer to stand face to face with their enemies, where they can inflict the terrible wounds to which they are so prone while also seeing the results of such carnage, an army without ranged support is a easy prey. Now, not to be outdone by their comrades, Dreadfort archers focus on maximizing both... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Dreadfort Spearmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI148 €34.19 €37.99 The main troops of House Bolton, who are their spearmen, are without exception instructed following the combat doctrine of that House, which seeks to cause fear and panic among the enemy ranks at all times. Due to this, although their armor is not thick and they do not have heavy weapons, they are still a fearsome unit on the battlefield. What's more,... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Flayed Men Expansion (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI53 €26.99 €29.99 House Bolton gets the award for most-armored unit on the field of battle. The Flayed Men cavalry are clad in heavy plate armor and their horses are equally armored in thick barding. Only the toughest and largest horses can withstand the great weight put upon them by all that steel. While they might not be the fastest cavalry unit, they are certainly the... View
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Heroes 1 (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI147 €35.99 €39.99 The cruelty and sadism displayed by House Bolton are not reserved for their enemies alone, for the leaders of their troops can be as severe with their own subordinates as they are with the soldiers they capture. Walton Ironlegs, Skinner, and Alyn the Bitter each have their own way of beating each other down; while Ben Bones, Tybald and Damon Bailaparamí... Add to cart
-10% In Stock House Bolton A Song of Ice & Fire: Bolton Starter Set (Spanish) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI146 €98.55 €109.50 House Bolton rules from Dreadfort, their ancient edifice in the north. Descendants of the First Men, they are known for their sigil of a flayed man, a practice that they often partake in. Aggressive to the core, they fought in a rebellion against House Stark many years ago. They have been likened to rabid dogs, lashing out against anyone that gets too... Add to cart
-10% Out-of-Stock House Targaryen A Song of Ice & Fire: Brazen Beasts (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI141 €31.49 €34.99 The Brazen Beasts are a lightly armored but mobile attack force for Targaryens. They are able to charge towards and cut down enemy aggressors that are targeting friendly units across the battlefield. The box also contains the Brazen Beast captain attachment, which gives House Targaryen players more variety in their army building for their existing... View
-10% Out-of-Stock Night's Watch A Song of Ice & Fire: Builder Crossbowmen (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI34 €26.55 €29.50 The Builders help maintain The Wall that guards the realms of men. But in times of conflict, especially with the Night’s Watch lack of manpower, they must come to battle! Equipped with Crossbows, and having the standard Night’s Watch training, they can deal a considerable amount of damage and control large areas of the battlefield with their range. View
-10% Out-of-Stock Night's Watch A Song of Ice & Fire: Builder Stone Throwers (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI37 €26.55 €29.50 The Builders are one of the traditional institutions of the Night’s Watch. Due to the nature of their institution, these Brothers are adept at repairing buildings as well as constructing siege engines. The Builder Stonethrower is one of these contraptions, used to guard the Wall from Wildlings and other threats. This expensive piece of equipment is a... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Lannister A Song of Ice & Fire: Casterly Rock Honor Guards (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI119 €35.55 €39.50 The vast castle at Casterly Rock serves as both a symbol of Lannister supremacy and an unbreakable fortress, dominating the western lands in the Seven Kingdoms. As such, the renowned Sentinels of Casterly Rock are charged with defending the castle and rapidly responding to threats in the surrounding regions. As befitting Lannister troops, they’re kitted... View
-10% Out-of-Stock House Baratheon A Song of Ice & Fire: Champions of the Stag (Multilingual) Cool Mini or Not EECMSI81 €35.55 €39.50 House Baratheon’s philosophy of “heavy arms and heavier armor” extends even to its cavalry. The Champions of the Stag are some of the heaviest armored in all of Westeros. These mounted knights head to battle in full plate, their huge destrier horses kitted with full barding. Yet, they still remain rather maneuverable during battle. These knights can be... View